Friday, 3 July 2009

Diabetes Type 2 - Natural Approaches to Diabetes Treatment


Diabetes type 2 is perhaps one of the most researched topics anywhere in the world. Thus with all the wealth of information you must have stumbled upon, you may think you already know everything there is to know about diabetes.

For instance, you must know by now that diabetes type 2 is also called adult onset or non-insulin dependent. For sure, too, you must know that type 2 diabetes is only one type of diabetes - there are two others, diabetes type 1 and gestational diabetes.

Quite certainly, you understand the followings signs and symptoms of diabetes type 2 so much so that when you experience these signs you immediately run to your doctor:

* excessive urination
* excessive thirst
* over-fatigue
* dry mouth
* wounds that take time to heal or do not heal at all

You must also know that this type diabetes can be controlled through diet and exercise, but in some cases medications are necessary.

Indeed, these basically encompass most of the things you may want to know about type 2 diabetes, but of course there are still quite a lot of new information about this that not a lot of people know of.

Perhaps, you would want to know that there are other alternative approaches to treating diabetes, and these are:

* Hydrotherapy - in a study conducted to test the effectiveness of hydrotherapy in controlling diabetes, the subjects were made to soak themselves in a tub of water for 30 minutes a day for six days for three weeks. This approach not only helped the subjects to relax but amazingly reduced their blood sugar levels, too.
* Detoxification - this method requires you to fast for short periods of time or to control your diet to help your body get rid of toxins more easily, thereby helping you control your blood sugar levels better.
* Mud therapy - it may startle you to see how mud can be a good weapon against diabetes, but it can be. Mud, after all, comes from the earth, the provider of the main source of energy, food. Mud baths have in fact been used for so many years in alternative medicine to prevent or treat a variety of diseases, including diabetes, by sort of magnetizing out the toxins from the body.
* Massage - this, too, has been used in alternative medicine to improve general well being and control diabetes. This simply act stimulates the various organs and systems of your body, especially those that are essential in controlling diabetes.
* Herbs and spices - a number of herbs and spices may also be used to help regulate blood sugar levels. Cinnamon, for one thing, has been found to hasten the conversion of glucose into energy, a major issue in diabetes. Cinnamon, then, is said to mimic the effect of insulin in the body.

Other herbs and spices used in the treatment of diabetes type 2 include:

* the leaves of blueberry
* Asian ginseng
* Bingko biloba
* Bilberry
* Ginger tea

These natural approaches to the treatment of type 2 diabetes are definitely worth a try. Except maybe for the herbs and spices that you may have to buy if you don't have them in your backyard, hydrotherapy, detoxification, mud therapy and massage do not cost any money at all.

It never hurts to explore all possibilities when it comes to the ultimate solution to beat diabetes type 2.
By Diana Mortenson


What Causes Acne? How Do You Get Rid of It? (Acne)


ACNE, oh the word that wreaks havoc on most teenagers.... In our day in age, having a good appearance is everything, especially to young people. Being acne free is a difficult thing to achieve during teenage years, however many homemade acne treatments you read about online can help.

Doctors and researchers are no longer blaming high sugar and greasy foods as for what causes acne. It has been shown through studies that the types of food eaten seem to have little or no effect !

One of the major causes of acne is now thought to be hormone levels. Hormones found in men and women in sky rocket while in puberty and are thought to enlarge glands and increase the output of oil on your skin.

In a nutshell , acne forms when your pores get blocked , which leads to bacteria forming. Many researchers say that acne is hereditary , I for one believe it happens to everyone who doesn't take care of their skin.

There are some external causes for acne. Heavy or greasy make ups can cause acne flair ups as can high humidity for some , prescription medications may have a side effect that causes acne.

Acne can be characterized by light to moderate and severe acne. Light to moderate acne is just having blackheads and really minor acne. A severe case of acne would include cysts and nodules , That can be very painful.

Light to moderate acne can be cleared up with products at the store , however depending on how you react to it , there could be a chance it will have either no effect or even irritate your acne even more. Especially with severe acne , which I have had in the past and got rid of using the 3 day acne guide. I have my story listed on my blog , if you want to see how I did it exactly.

It is suggested that you wash at least twice a day. Never squeeze or pick the pimples/zits on your face and don't wash with a washcloth, use your hands. A washcloth can irritate the acne and make it worse.

The earlier that acne is treated, the better it will be. Getting rid of acne isn't that easy though , you need a solid guide with good testimonials so it's guaranteed to work.

That is why I posted my story about how I got rid of severe acne in my blog , so what are you waiting for ??

Be acne free starting today !
By: Joe A Williams


How to Treat Pimples - 4 Acne Myths Exposed

Health Information - Acne

How to treat pimples is a question I am often asked and while there is no magic pill, there is hope. The first step in treating pimples or any kind of blemish for that matter is having a better understanding of acne. Understanding acne is easier said than done due to the multitude of myths circulating. Acne happens for a number of reasons but the main causes include diet, stress and hormonal imbalance.

Myth - Acne only appears on face

Acne can appear on the face, back and chest and usually are classified into pimples, nodules, blackheads and whiteheads.

Myth - Acne is an external infection

Acne occurs when the pores below the skin become blocked. Contrary to popular belief acne is an internal infection that should be treated with the proper diet.

Myth - Acne should be treated with only topical creams

Many of the so called acne cures on the market that claim to treat acne often times make the infection worse. This is why it's important to follow a good face cleaning routine along with a healthy diet. When finding a topical treatment find one that is all natural so you avoid doing more damage to your skin.

Myth - Chocolate causes acne

The great news for all you chocolate lovers is chocolate does not cause acne. Chocolate should be had in moderation. The main types of food that specifically cause acne are processed foods and foods that are cooked in oils. This is why I advise to steer clear of fast food.

These myths are perhaps the most common out of the many that still exist today. The truth is anyone can learn how to treat pimples by learning the importance of a proper diet following by a good skin cleaning routine.
By: Pamela Arsena

Health Information - Acne