Sunday, 4 October 2009

Diets to Lose Weight Fast (Diets)


Are you a dieter looking for the best diets to lose weight fast? You have come to the right spot. There are several diets you can use for weight loss, but I will tell you what to look for in the best diets. Remember that once you learn about these diets, you have to take action and apply them to your daily life in order to see progress and achieve the body you want!

The best diets are by using weight loss programs such as these: Strip That Fat, Everloss, Fat Loss Secrets, or any of the top weight loss program. They absolutely teach the best way to get the body you want.

Now there are key points you should look in diets. The first thing you have to see is if the diet is healthy or not. There are no diets in the world out there that work well and will destroy your body. All the best diets to lose weight fast will promote healthy ways for you get your best body fast! If you think the diet is unhealthy for you, just stop right away. If it's not healthy for you, it's bad and terrible; don't do it. If you start feeling horrible or bad after you start the diet, don't continue! I understand how badly you want to lose all that fat, but unhealthy ways to get the body you want is bad. These bad techniques will make you regain your healthy later and destroy your life. It's not wise to use them!

Another tip you have to look in the best diets to lose weight fast is to see how much time it takes. The best diets should only make you put in at most 1-2 hours a day. If they are telling you to exercise 5 hours a day, this is probably not a good diet to use. Remember, to look for these in the diets to get the body you want!
By: Kevin Choy


Easy Diets - Not a Fake (Diets)


Their are hundreds, maybe a few thousand easy diets available. You can find more than 260,000 entries in Google's search engine if you type in the keyword phrase "easy diets". They are often crap if you are looking for easy diets.

Many individuals are trying to diet while improving the quality of their diets for better health. A great diet is one that will be a blueprint for you, to last a lifetime. If your wish is to find an easy diet that works for you, then you will have to do some homework to find something that is the right fit for you. Or you go to information sites with reviews included! The Sites are given.

There are several online resources that offer information about dieting and maintaining a healthy body. Using the right combination of nutrients and the right proteins, carbohydrates and fats will go a long way in losing excess weight, maybe easy diets sites or something.

To lose weight and keep the weight off, you will be required to make some changes in the way you have been eating. You must reduce your caloric intake and burn the calories that you take in. You must work off these calories by causing your body's metabolism to jump up a few notches.

Some easy diets, with the proper combination of foods, will boost your body's metabolism, yet you still must work off some of the calories and help jump start the metabolism by exercise.

Pay attention to the "Big 3". Chose lower fat foods, eat more vegetables and start reading the labels of the foods you buy at the market. Learn what the labels say. These labels have all of the nutritional information you need to know in order to make buying decisions that are based on what is right for you to eat. This could help to make easy diets.The easiest diets you really need to follow are the ones that work for you and give you the proper nutrients your body needs. With that said, you will need to learn what foods work in harmony to help you lose weight.

There are many easy diet recipes online that you can try. Look them over and try a few. There are also many different diet programs that promise to be easy. Some of these easy diets might help you lose weight, yet they will not be giving your body what it needs to sustain itself at a healthy level.

By taking some time to understand how the body burns fat and maintains at a healthy level, you will be in a position to look at easy diets and discern if this is going to be a healthy diet for you to follow.

Dietary studies have shown that the easiest diets to follow are those that have a combination of several different food groups that do not drastically eliminate the foods you love. It is the reduction of the empty calories and the fatty foods that help to eliminate body fat.

The easiest diets that do not work very well are the "spot diets". It is the fad diets, usually used for a week or two that help you lose weight quickly. These types of diets do not usually pay attention to what nutrients are being depleted in the body. Some of these quick and easy diets can be dangerous to your health, so easy diets could be dangerous but easy diets maybe good for your mind to start weight loss.
By:Mirko Van Anken


Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Breast Cancer Signs - What All Women Should Know (Breast Cancer)

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer affects women of all ages. That is why it is important to know about breast cancer signs and what action should be taken if you experience any of them. While you may experience symptoms of breast cancer, only a doctor can make the diagnosis that for sure. If you experience any of the following symptoms, you should make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible.

A lump, one which does not feel like the surrounding tissue, is often the first of several breast cancer signs. This is why it's important to do a regular self exam, because early detection is important. If you pay attention to breast cancer signs, you can have any symptoms investigated early on, and the sooner you are diagnosed, the more likely you are to triumph over this awful disease.

Besides a lump, some of the other breast cancer signs to look out for include changes in the sizes or shape of the breast, dimpling of the skin on the breast, or a nipple that is inverted or that has discharge coming out of it. Your doctor should be made aware of any such signs and changes as soon as reasonably possible.

Paget's disease of the breast, a disease that results in flakes on the nipple and redness of the skin, is often a leading indicator of breast cancer. As Paget's disease becomes more advanced, more symptoms become apparent. These include increased sensitivity, itching skin, burning sensations, and general pain. If you have encountered any or all of these symptoms, you should talk to your doctor so that you can be properly examined to determine if you have this disease.

Sometimes other symptoms can signal breast cancer. If you have lost weight quickly and there is no reason for it, that may be a symptom. Other symptoms are unexplained fever and chills lasting more than a few days, pain in the joints or bones, and jaundice. Sometimes there are neurological symptoms as well. So all of these are things you should watch out for.

You must remember that most symptoms that coincide with breast cancer don't turn out to really be breast cancer. Although you have to take your symptoms seriously, you should not panic. What you need to do is to see your doctor, give him or her the chance to evaluate your symptoms, find out exactly what is causing your symptoms. All you have to do is get yourself checked out.

Breast cancer can strike at any age. Therefore, knowing the breast cancer signs and symptoms is very important. One of the best factors in beating breast cancer is early detection. One of the best methods of detection is the monthly self exam. One of the things that you must take note of is if your breast changes size and or shape. One thing to keep in mind is that most symptoms of breast cancer don't end up being breast cancer.
By:Stephan Grindley

Breast Cancer

Diabetes Test and Control (Diabetes)


What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a defect in the body's ability to convert glucose to energy. It is caused due to insufficient production of glucose by the pancreas. In diabetes patients, the production of glucose is impaired.

What are the symptoms of Diabetes?

Patients with Type-1 diabetes usually develop symptoms over a short period of time, and the condition is often diagnosed in an emergency setting.

Symptoms of type 1 diabetes:

* Increased thirst
* Fatigue
* Nausea
* Increased urination
* Weight loss in spite of increased appetite
* Vomiting

However, because Type-2 diabetes develops slowly, some people with high blood sugar experience no symptoms at all.

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes:

* Increased thirst
* Impotence in men
* Increased appetite
* Increased urination
* Blurred vision
* Fatigue
* Slow-healing infections

How to diagnose diabetes?

The diagnosis of diabetes is made by a simple blood test measuring blood glucose level. Usually blood glucose level tests are repeated on a subsequent day to confirm the diagnosis. Your health care team may also request that you have a glucose tolerance test. If two hours after taking the glucose drink your glucose level is 200 or above, you will be diagnosed as having diabetes.

How can I control diabetes?

* Gather all the information about diabetes, its symptoms and causes
* Check your blood glucose level regularly
* If find any symptom of diabetes, visit your health care team for diagnosis of diabetes
* Ask your health care team about how to check blood glucose level at home
* Stop smoking
* Exercise daily
* Follow a healthy meal plan
* Check your vision at regular intervals, If found blurred visit your health care team
* Check your feet regularly for checking the occurrence of diabetes
* If you are diabetic, monitor you diabetes regularly
* Follow instructions of health care team strictly
* Avoid sweet ingredients, use sugar free food

Can diabetes be cured?

As yet, there is no treatment for either type of diabetes, although there are many ways of keeping diabetes in control. Studies have shown that good control of blood glucose (blood sugar) is the key to avoid diabetic complications later.

What are the treatment options to cure diabetes?

Diabetes is incurable. The only option is to prevent ourselves from diabetes or to keep diabetes under control.

Is diabetes a hereditary disease?

You are at higher risk of Type 2 diabetes if you have a parent, brother or sister with diabetes.

Complications of Diabetes

If you have diabetes, you are much more likely to have a risk of stroke, heart disease, or a heart attack. In fact, 2 out of 3 people with diabetes die from stroke or heart disease. There are three conditions that make people with diabetes vulnerable to foot problems. These are vascular disease and foot deformities. About 30 percent of patients with Type 1 diabetes and 10 to 40 percent of those with Type 2 diabetes eventually will suffer from kidney failure. Diabetes also may cause damage to nerves in your body.
By:Jyoti Mali


Raw Food Diets Weight Loss -A Raw Food Diet Plan and It's Benefits (Diets Weight Loss)

Diets Weight Loss

A raw food diet plan is a plan based of unprocessed fresh foods that are from plants. These raw foods are mainly from plants and a good example of these foods that make a raw food diets weight loss include fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, nuts, beans, grains, dried fruit and sprouts. These foods have more benefits when they are taken raw. By raw it means they are uncooked. If you cook these foods, you will destroy their enzymes which helps in digestion and food absorption. Their nutritional value can be reduced when these raw foods are cooked too.

A raw food diets weight loss contains mostly of the foods listed above. To begin with, I want you to know that a raw food diets weight loss plan has many benefits besides helping in losing weight. Some of these benefits include increased energy, improved skin texture and appearance because these foods are rich in vitamins. Vitamins help in making sure that your skin appears healthy and clear. A raw food diet plan also helps reduce or fight constipation. These foods are rich in fiber content. A high fiber content diet is bulky and soft on your stomach. These foods are easy to pass out as stool and therefore you are less likely to get constipated if your diet is rich of raw foods. They also reduce a risk of a heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Benefits on weight loss

How can a person that is overweight benefit from a raw food diet plan?, Raw foods contain low crabs and calories compared to non- raw foods like carbohydrates and proteins that are also called high calorie foods. People who are on a raw food diets weight loss plan that is healthy are recommended to eat more of these fresh foods. Low calorie intake helps people who are trying to lose weight or maintain their weight. These foods are bulky and therefore they help a person get full fast with low amounts of calories. It is also believed that these foods can absorb and hold calories in your stomach from other high calorie foods like carbohydrates. After they hold them they pass out together as stool. This is another reason why any meal you eat should include these raw foods if you are trying to lose weight.

If you want to reduce some weight, I recommend that you supplement your diet with these foods. You don't have to fast in order to lose weight because fasting to lose weight is unhealthy. The only healthy ways you can lose weight include dieting, exercising or dieting combined with exercise at the same time. You can lose weight fast if you do the right exercises and get into the right diet. You need to know how often you must eat per day when dieting to lose weight, what kinds of foods to eat and their amount and if possible, what weight loss friendly exercises you should do help lose weight quickly. Do you need a raw food diets weight loss plan to guide you lose weight.Raw foods are healthy and necessary for people who want to lose weight the natural way which is dieting.
By:Erick Ndege

Diets Weight Loss

How to Choose a Free Diets Weight Loss Program (Diets Weight Loss)

Diets Weight Loss

A number of sites on the Internet promote free weight loss diet programs and can be the answer to people who want to lose weight but are on restricted budgets. You should, however, choose carefully the weight loss diet program which would be most effective and right for your needs, even if it comes free.

A good diets weight loss program must have the following components:

1. A body fat calculator

This is a tool that tells you the amount of your body fat and how much you have to shed off. Body fat calculators should be free.

2. Eating plan

The program should provide you with a detailed eating plan which includes what types of food you can eat. Good diets weight loss programs usually offer free recipes on how to prepare healthy meals yourself.

3. Forum/Discussion groups

The sites should have forum or discussion groups where people who have the same fitness goals can be connected, communicate with each other and act as a support group. You can see what others are doing, what their experiences have been and even share your own experiences - successes as well as difficulties.

4. A competent professional

free diets weight loss program site should at least provide email access to a dieting professional who can answer your questions regarding weight loss and overall fitness. This professional could be a dietitian, physician, or even fitness experts and instructors.

Other things you need to consider

1. Make sure it is safe

It is wise to do thorough research on the diets weight loss program you are considering to follow. Anything can be posted on the Internet without rigorous proof to claims so you need to be cautious and establish the safety of the program before embarking on it.

2. Make sure it is effective

Identify your body's health requirements and set your weight loss goals before settling on a program. For example, you need to decide whether you need a program for shedding a few pounds in the short term, or a program that promotes dieting and lifestyle changes on a longer term basis.

Be aware that one program can be effective for one person, but can do nothing for you. Testimonials are always inspiring but you cannot make it the sole basis for following that free diets weight loss program which you have found on the Internet.
By:Flor Serquina

Diets Weight Loss

Top 5 Alkaline Diets Weight Loss Tips (Diets Weight Loss)

Diets Weight Loss

Tip #1 – Drink, Drink then Drink some more!

By far the most important and yet the easiest way to accelerate your alkaline diets weight loss results is to hydrate consistently.

Avoid Coffee, tea, soda and other acidic drinks.

Tip #2 - Avoid Foods with preservatives, food coloring and additives.

The body wasn't designed to digest these chemical substances, so it must either: eliminate them, neutralize them or park them away where they can't damage your body.

Tip #3 - Avoid artificial sweeteners like the plague

If you have been trying to lose weight, chances are you have relied on artificial sweetners to cut calories. You are shooting yourself in the foot on an alkaline diet. They are toxins as in tip #2

Tip #4 - Always have cut veggies and soaked nuts ready in your fridge

How successful do you think you would be in your alkaline weight loss program if you had to fight your craving along the way, every minute of every hour of every day? I bet not too successful.

Well, if you were on an alkaline diet, this would not be an issue because your craving would disappear by themselves over time.

Optionally, pick up a couple of varieties of hummus to dip the veggies in for added taste.

Tip #5 - Make a huge salad every 3 days

Ever come home so hungry you're ready to eat the first thing that you can get your hands on? Do you regret binging on the junk food, and wish you could have made something better to eat?

If you prepare a huge salad that would last you 3 straight days, you will never come home and wonder what you can eat. With a salad in your fridge - ready to eat - you can eat right away and it's great for an alkaline diet.
By:Will Johnson

Diets Weight Loss

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Breast Cancer Information - Every Woman Should Read This (Breast Cancer)

Breast Cancer

Millions of women are affected with breast cancer all around the world. Breast cancer is growing like an epidemic and is predicted that 45,000 patients will die from breast cancer, this year. If you feel a solid lump in your breast, you must visit a specialist for consultation.

Breast cancer symptom:

Breast cancer in its early stages does not cause any pain. Unfortunately, in early stages when breast cancer develops, it does not show any breast cancer symptom. But as it grows, it can cause remarkable changes, which a woman should note. Breast cancer symptoms include thickening or lump near or in the breast, change in the shape or size of the affected breast, tenderness of nipple or nipple discharge, inversion of nipple into the breast, pitting or ridges of the breast, skin of the breast appears warm, red, swollen and scaly. A lady should visit her doctor if she persist with any breast cancer symptom.

Specialists diagnose breast cancer by any of the following examinations:
palpation, mammography, ultrasonography, fine needle aspiration, needle biopsy or surgical biopsy.

Breast cancer treatment:

Breast cancer treatment options depend on location and size of the tumor in her breast.

Various methods of breast cancer treatment

Breast cancer treatments can be systemic or local. Radiation therapy and Surgery are the local breast cancer treatments. Local breast cancer treatments are used to destroy, remove, or control the growth of cancer cells. Hormonal therapy and Chemotherapy are systemic treatments. Systemic treatments are targeted to control or destroy cancer cells all over the body. Different forms of breast cancer treatment can be prescribed at the same time or one after other.

Surgery is one of the most common breast cancer treatments. Many types of surgical interventions may be used. A surgical intervention to remove breast is called a mastectomy. An operation carried out to remove the cancer cells without affecting the size of breast is called breast conserving surgery or breast sparing.

Radiation therapy or radiotherapy: Under this breast cancer treatment specialists use high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells and stop them from growing.

Chemotherapeutic breast cancer treatment: specialists use different types of drugs or combination of different drugs to kill cancerous cells or stop them from growing. Drugs are given in cycles; a treatment period is followed by a recovery period that is again followed by another breast cancer treatment.

Hormonal therapy for breast cancer treatment is used to stop the growth of cancerous cells that affect the female hormones. This breast cancer treatment may include use of medicines, which change the way hormones work or surgery to remove the ovaries that produce female hormones.

Breast cancer treatment decisions are complex. The decisions are usually affected by the stage of the disease, judgment of the doctors and the consent of the patients.

Breast cancer pictures can be found on various websites and in medical books. These breast cancer pictures can be helpful to make the patient’s know about their cancer stage and the possible remedy if any..

Funds are arranged through various programs like breast cancer walk to spread breast cancer information among the affected and suspected people and to give them moral and economic support as well.
By:Tyson J Stevenson

Breast Cancer

Sunday, 23 August 2009

Understanding Gastric Bypass Surgery (Gastric Bypass Surgery)

Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric Bypass Surgery is growing in popularity. It is important that anyone who is considering this type of surgery to insure that they are ready for both the physical stresses of it as well as the mental challenge it presents. Gastric bypass surgery is a way for doctors to help treat morbid obesity. For those individuals who have serious health problems that are brought on or made worse by their weight, this surgery can be the difference in life and death. Here are some details and things to keep in mind when considering gastric bypass surgery.
First of all, it isn’t for everyone. In fact, you must be above 40 BMI in order to qualify. Some doctors will go as low as 35, though. BMI stands for Body Mass Index. This is a system that is used to compare and understand the effects of weight on human bodies as compared to their height. We know that a person with a BMI between 35 and 40 is considered morbidly obese, but that doesn’t mean someone should be very low either. There is a balance in which the body simply needs to have a certain level of fat. This is a controversial understanding in most cases. Nevertheless, this is an indicator that a person is a candidate for gastric bypass surgery.
In most cases, individuals who are candidates for gastric bypass are 100 pounds or more overweight. But, just being overweight by a certain amount is not the only thing that is considered. Individuals who would like to be considered for this weight loss will in fact need to go through a battery of mental testing. For those who eat because of emotions, gastric bypass is likely to fail. The first steps for these individuals is dealing with their specific eating disorder first. When they are successfully through them, they may then be considered a candidate. It is important to understand that once the surgery is complete, if a person can not commit to specific changes, they will not succeed at losing weight and can complicate the surgery’s outcome. Many times patients will be required to diet and exercise during a period of time prior to becoming a candidate. So, what does happen during this surgery?
During the procedure, the doctor will create a pouch out of the stomach. They will take the stomachs normal size and reduce it to mere 1-2 fluid ounces or between 30-60 mL. This is a drastically smaller size. They will lower the stomachs capacity by connecting the pouch to a point midway to the small intestine. The larger remaining pouch will be kept within the body and will be connected farther down the small intestine so that it can remain a producer of gastric juices that aid in digestion. Gastric bypass surgery does require an incision of six to eight inches. In some cases, several smaller incisions will be used instead.
What is the goal of gastric bypass surgery?
The whole point of this surgery is to limit the amount of food that a person can take in and to shorten the digestive track to allow for fewer calories to be absorbed within a person’s body. By limiting the amount of food a person can consume, they greatly reduce the amount of calories being consumed and therefore force the body to use stored fat instead. This surgery is called restrictive because it reduces your intake of foods and malabsorptive because it reduces the amount of food that can be absorbed into the body.
Most of the time, gastric bypass surgery is successful. In 2% of patients, though, it is fatal. One percent is due to complications during surgery. In many cases, the heart is already weakened from having to pump so vigorously to handle the extra weight or complications from other diseases may cause death as well during surgery. The other one percent will come within one month or so after the surgery is done. In these cases, it is often due to patients not restricting themselves properly. Patients who have this surgery will no longer be able to eat foods that are high in sugar or fat. The body can likely not handle these fast absorbing foods within their bodies.
If you would like to be considered for gastric bypass surgery, you will need to see your doctor and tell him about your situation. Not all insurance companies within the United States will actually cover this surgery unless there is medical evidence that your weight is attributing to your health. You will go through a battery of tests to determine your circumstances and to find out if you do indeed qualify. It is a life changing experience, but it is one that needs to be thoroughly thought out.
By:Travis Lawrence

Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric Bypass Surgery - Knowing the Risks (Gastric Bypass Surgery)

Gastric Bypass Surgery

Like any other type of elective surgery, gastric bypass surgery comes complete with its own set of risks. In fact, 10 to 20 percent of gastric bypass patients require follow-up surgery to correct a complication of the original weight loss surgery, according to the National Institutes of Health. The following list covers the most serious risks, and necessary treatments.

Pulmonary Embolism – Patients face a one percent chance of blood clots developing in the legs after surgery. Several techniques can prevent the formation of clots, such as using surgical compression stockings that put pressure on the legs and maintain blood flow in the days following surgery. If clots do form, they may break off and be carried into the lungs, where they can get caught. Emergency surgery is required.

Peritonitis – If a staple or suture used during surgery ruptures and allows stomach fluid to leak into the abdominal cavity, it can cause a serious infection, called peritonitis. Emergency surgery is required to seal the leak, followed by treatment with antibiotics to kill the infection.

Gallstones – More than one-third of gastric bypass surgery patients develop gallstones, which seem to be caused by rapid weight loss. If a patient has gallstones before the operation, the surgeon will remove the gall bladder during the gastric bypass operation to prevent further difficulties. If there are no signs of gall bladder problems, the doctor may prescribe medication to minimize the risk after surgery.

Chronic Vomiting – The connection between the stomach and the intestines can narrow as a result of scar tissue forming. When this occurs, food cannot pass easily through the channel, which may cause nausea and vomiting after eating. To correct the problem during follow-up surgery, the doctor will insert a balloon into the opening and stretch it. This outpatient procedure has a 90 percent success rate.

Dumping Syndrome – This problem occurs when food moves too quickly through the small intestine and causes nausea, weakness, sweating, faintness, and possibly diarrhea soon after eating. Normally, it is caused eating highly refined foods, like sugars. Proper dietary precautions can prevent or control this problem.

Nutritional Deficiencies – Approximately 30 percent of gastric bypass patients develop severe nutritional deficiencies, such as anemia, osteoporosis, and metabolic bone disorders. Taking the correct combination of dietary supplements can prevent these problems.

Stomach Ulcers – Ulcers can develop at the top part of the intestine when it is connected to the new stomach pouch. Traditional ulcer treatments are used.

Hernia – Hernias can develop in any part of the abdominal muscles where there is a weak point that allows a part of the stomach or intestines to push through. Surgery can correct this problem.

Pregnancy – Women should not get pregnant for at least two years after surgery to prevent serious post-surgical complications. Women who later become pregnant must also be careful to take the correct nutritional supplements to protect both her and the baby from developing nutritional deficiencies.

Bowel Obstruction – This problem can result when scar tissue develops where the stomach was sewn or stapled to create a smaller pouch. This requires immediate emergency medical treatment that may include surgery.

With all of the hazards involved, you need to carefully weigh the risks against the benefits of gastric bypass surgery. On the positive side, in addition to weight loss, gastric bypass surgery can dramatically reduce the chance of obesity-related heart disease, diabetes, and sleep apnea, as well as improve lower back and knee problems. Before arranging gastric bypass surgery, discuss all treatment options with your doctor to determine the course of action that is right for you.

This article provides an overview of health issues related to gastric bypass surgery and is not intended to replace the advice of a medical practitioner. Please consult your doctor prior to making any major medical decisions.
By: Craig Thompson

Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric Bypass Surgery - Preparation for the Big Event (Gastric Bypass Surgery)

Gastric Bypass Surgery

As with any surgical procedure, proper preparation before gastric bypass surgery is extremely important to ensure the experience is not overly stressful. Assuming your doctor confirms that you are a valid candidate for a gastric bypass, the first thing you should do to prepare is to contact your insurance company to see if they cover weight loss surgery.

If the surgery qualifies for coverage, your insurance carrier may require both physical and psychological clearances as part of the gastric bypass preparation. They may accept information sent by your doctors or require you to see doctors of their choosing before they will approve the gastric bypass surgery. You also need to see what your financial responsibility will be, so you can make whatever preparations are necessary to pay for it.

Next, you will need to find a qualified hospital or surgical center and pre-register to undergo weight loss surgery. Pre-screening tests will need to be performed about a week prior to surgery.

The Day of the Procedure

Since your stomach must be completely empty to reduce the changes of vomiting during surgery, no food or drink is allowed after midnight the day before your surgery.

Usually, you check into the hospital or surgical center early the morning of your surgery to complete final paperwork and last minute tests. Then, you will be taken to a room where you will change into a surgical gown. Next, you will be taken to a pre-operating holding area where the anesthesiologist will discuss your medical history with you and answer any questions that you may have.

In the operating room, any other necessary preparations will be completed, and then the anesthesiology will start an IV for you. Now it's time for the surgeons to work their magic.

What Happens During Surgery

Gastric bypass surgery is performed under general anesthesia, which means you will be asleep during the surgery. If you are having a laparoscopic procedure, the surgeon will make three to four small incisions in the outer abdomen wall and insert a micro-sized camera and different surgical instruments into your body. Your abdominal cavity will be filled with gas to inflate the space and make it easier for the surgeon to see what he or she is doing. If you are having the Roux-en-Y procedure performed, the surgeon will make a much larger incision, from your bellybutton to breastbone, through which to enter the abdominal cavity and perform the gastric bypass.

In both cases, the surgeon will create a small upper pouch in your stomach using a surgical stapler and reinforcing the staples with stitches. Then the surgeon will divide the small intestine and attach one end to the new stomach pouch, bypassing part of the digestive track so that food will pass directly from the new stomach pouch to the mid-point of the small intestine. The new, smaller stomach pouch prevents the patient from eating large amounts of food, and the bypass prevents the patient's body from absorbing some of the calories in the food that is eaten.

After the surgery is finished, you will be taken to the recovery room where nurses will monitor your condition. As soon as you are ready, you will be sent home and scheduled for a follow-up with your surgeon two weeks later.

This article provides an overview of health issues related to gastric bypass surgery and is not intended to replace the advice of a medical practitioner. Please consult your doctor prior to making any major medical decisions.
By:Craig Thompson

Gastric Bypass Surgery

Friday, 3 July 2009

Diabetes Type 2 - Natural Approaches to Diabetes Treatment


Diabetes type 2 is perhaps one of the most researched topics anywhere in the world. Thus with all the wealth of information you must have stumbled upon, you may think you already know everything there is to know about diabetes.

For instance, you must know by now that diabetes type 2 is also called adult onset or non-insulin dependent. For sure, too, you must know that type 2 diabetes is only one type of diabetes - there are two others, diabetes type 1 and gestational diabetes.

Quite certainly, you understand the followings signs and symptoms of diabetes type 2 so much so that when you experience these signs you immediately run to your doctor:

* excessive urination
* excessive thirst
* over-fatigue
* dry mouth
* wounds that take time to heal or do not heal at all

You must also know that this type diabetes can be controlled through diet and exercise, but in some cases medications are necessary.

Indeed, these basically encompass most of the things you may want to know about type 2 diabetes, but of course there are still quite a lot of new information about this that not a lot of people know of.

Perhaps, you would want to know that there are other alternative approaches to treating diabetes, and these are:

* Hydrotherapy - in a study conducted to test the effectiveness of hydrotherapy in controlling diabetes, the subjects were made to soak themselves in a tub of water for 30 minutes a day for six days for three weeks. This approach not only helped the subjects to relax but amazingly reduced their blood sugar levels, too.
* Detoxification - this method requires you to fast for short periods of time or to control your diet to help your body get rid of toxins more easily, thereby helping you control your blood sugar levels better.
* Mud therapy - it may startle you to see how mud can be a good weapon against diabetes, but it can be. Mud, after all, comes from the earth, the provider of the main source of energy, food. Mud baths have in fact been used for so many years in alternative medicine to prevent or treat a variety of diseases, including diabetes, by sort of magnetizing out the toxins from the body.
* Massage - this, too, has been used in alternative medicine to improve general well being and control diabetes. This simply act stimulates the various organs and systems of your body, especially those that are essential in controlling diabetes.
* Herbs and spices - a number of herbs and spices may also be used to help regulate blood sugar levels. Cinnamon, for one thing, has been found to hasten the conversion of glucose into energy, a major issue in diabetes. Cinnamon, then, is said to mimic the effect of insulin in the body.

Other herbs and spices used in the treatment of diabetes type 2 include:

* the leaves of blueberry
* Asian ginseng
* Bingko biloba
* Bilberry
* Ginger tea

These natural approaches to the treatment of type 2 diabetes are definitely worth a try. Except maybe for the herbs and spices that you may have to buy if you don't have them in your backyard, hydrotherapy, detoxification, mud therapy and massage do not cost any money at all.

It never hurts to explore all possibilities when it comes to the ultimate solution to beat diabetes type 2.
By Diana Mortenson


What Causes Acne? How Do You Get Rid of It? (Acne)


ACNE, oh the word that wreaks havoc on most teenagers.... In our day in age, having a good appearance is everything, especially to young people. Being acne free is a difficult thing to achieve during teenage years, however many homemade acne treatments you read about online can help.

Doctors and researchers are no longer blaming high sugar and greasy foods as for what causes acne. It has been shown through studies that the types of food eaten seem to have little or no effect !

One of the major causes of acne is now thought to be hormone levels. Hormones found in men and women in sky rocket while in puberty and are thought to enlarge glands and increase the output of oil on your skin.

In a nutshell , acne forms when your pores get blocked , which leads to bacteria forming. Many researchers say that acne is hereditary , I for one believe it happens to everyone who doesn't take care of their skin.

There are some external causes for acne. Heavy or greasy make ups can cause acne flair ups as can high humidity for some , prescription medications may have a side effect that causes acne.

Acne can be characterized by light to moderate and severe acne. Light to moderate acne is just having blackheads and really minor acne. A severe case of acne would include cysts and nodules , That can be very painful.

Light to moderate acne can be cleared up with products at the store , however depending on how you react to it , there could be a chance it will have either no effect or even irritate your acne even more. Especially with severe acne , which I have had in the past and got rid of using the 3 day acne guide. I have my story listed on my blog , if you want to see how I did it exactly.

It is suggested that you wash at least twice a day. Never squeeze or pick the pimples/zits on your face and don't wash with a washcloth, use your hands. A washcloth can irritate the acne and make it worse.

The earlier that acne is treated, the better it will be. Getting rid of acne isn't that easy though , you need a solid guide with good testimonials so it's guaranteed to work.

That is why I posted my story about how I got rid of severe acne in my blog , so what are you waiting for ??

Be acne free starting today !
By: Joe A Williams


How to Treat Pimples - 4 Acne Myths Exposed

Health Information - Acne

How to treat pimples is a question I am often asked and while there is no magic pill, there is hope. The first step in treating pimples or any kind of blemish for that matter is having a better understanding of acne. Understanding acne is easier said than done due to the multitude of myths circulating. Acne happens for a number of reasons but the main causes include diet, stress and hormonal imbalance.

Myth - Acne only appears on face

Acne can appear on the face, back and chest and usually are classified into pimples, nodules, blackheads and whiteheads.

Myth - Acne is an external infection

Acne occurs when the pores below the skin become blocked. Contrary to popular belief acne is an internal infection that should be treated with the proper diet.

Myth - Acne should be treated with only topical creams

Many of the so called acne cures on the market that claim to treat acne often times make the infection worse. This is why it's important to follow a good face cleaning routine along with a healthy diet. When finding a topical treatment find one that is all natural so you avoid doing more damage to your skin.

Myth - Chocolate causes acne

The great news for all you chocolate lovers is chocolate does not cause acne. Chocolate should be had in moderation. The main types of food that specifically cause acne are processed foods and foods that are cooked in oils. This is why I advise to steer clear of fast food.

These myths are perhaps the most common out of the many that still exist today. The truth is anyone can learn how to treat pimples by learning the importance of a proper diet following by a good skin cleaning routine.
By: Pamela Arsena

Health Information - Acne

Monday, 29 June 2009

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How to Find Health Information on the Internet (Health Information)

Health Information

A patient or any of his/her relative who is not satisfied with the attention given to him by his physician would naturally want to get more information on the internet about the ailment and possible remedies. This will not only inform the patient and his relatives, it may also provide the needed turn around in getting qualitative medical care.

The problem is that most of those people seeking health information on the internet do not know the tools and combination of resources to use when seeking for health information on the internet.

Here are the resources that will guarantee a successful search:

Content Specific sites
Sites owned by world bodies and organisations have a strong database of information on diseases and their conditions. The world health organisation and the centre for disease control are organisations very rich in health information on the internet. You can go to such sites and mime the archive for relevant information.

Specialized Sites
These sites are good in the areas of specialization. If you are looking for information on diabetes for example, going to any diabetes organisation site is the best tool to get information on the disease condition.

Hepatitis network website is another specialized site to hunt for information on the internet if your are seeking information on hepatitis. Such sites have links to sister organisations that provides more than enough information and remedies.

Expert Sites
Some experts in the medical fraternity maintains specific websites to show their discoveries in various areas of specialization. Heading to such sites will definitely make enough information available about the diseases they are so knowledgeable on. When you type the name of the expert on your browser search engine, you will be guided to such sites.

Journals in the area of health information you seek will give you recent information on the kind of disease you are interested in. Diseases such as cancer, diabetes, back pain, tumors etc all have journals published to provide scientific discoveries in those medical specializations.

Association Sites
All fields in the medical fraternity relate together through professional associations. Such associations which maintains presence on the internet provide bountiful information on their disciplines and associated diseases. They also share their experiences through such media. Links on their sites are full of information that could be of help.

Medical Search Engines
Instead of concentrating your effort on using general search engines like yahoo and Google to search for health information, your best option is to use any of the following medical search engines. These include medhunt and medline plus.

Any medical terminology you can't understand is readily explained in the medical encyclopaedia available on such sites.

With these 6 specialized tools, i believe your success rate on finding health information on the internet will greatly improve in quality and authority.
By: Solomon Benard

Health Information

Here is the Most Important Health Information You'll Ever Receive! Guaranteed! (Health Information)

Health Information

Did you know that everyone needs to supplement? Scientists agree that all of the symptoms we normally associate with aging (decreased energy, mobility and mental sharpness, aches and pains) as well as just about every disease (arthritis, heart disease, cancer, diabetes....) is the result of years of free radical damage to your cells. This health information will show you how supplements can prevent this damage.

Free radicals are produced as a result of stress, sun exposure, pollution (cigarette smoke is a major cause), and even your body's own metabolism- they can't be avoided. They can, however, be converted into harmless molecules by antioxidants. So by taking a supplement that provides lots of antioxidants, you're minimizing the damage caused to your cells. If you're up on your health information, you have heard of antioxidants. They've been shown to prevent almost every disease there is, as well as improve the outcomes in those that already have disease. There are definite links to heart disease, cancer & diabetes, and low antioxidant levels may be responsible for many neurological disorders like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and MS. Antioxidants also increase your immunity and act like natural anti-inflammatories.

Getting the toxins out of your body is also an important part of health information. Supplements have a key role in this function. Normally, your liver easily gets rid of toxins, but if there is an excess exposure to toxins (which is pretty much unavoidable in today's environment), if your nutrition is not quite what it should be, if you have a disease, or if you're using certain medication, toxins can build up. In fact, scientists speculate that up to 90% of all cancers are caused by excess toxin exposure and nutritional deficiencies. A high quality supplement basically acts like a garbage truck that goes through your body and hauls away all the crud.

How could I leave nutrition out of the health information about supplements? It IS important to have a healthy diet, but it is not enough to prevent disease. The problem is that everyone is overfed but undernourished- we're getting plenty of calories, but not enough of the vitamins & minerals that your body needs. This is because 1) our poor choice of foods & 2) even healthy foods don't have as much nutrients in them as they once did & 3) research shows that we need a lot more nutrients than once thought. Most supplements are based on Recommended Daily Intakes set back in the 1950's. RDI's are the minimum that your body needs just to function. The minimum requirements for your body to function OPTIMALLY are much higher. For example, you would need to eat 33 lbs of spinach every day just to get the recommended 400 IU of Vitamin E! So even with the best intentions, you can see it's impossible to be at your best health through diet alone. In fact, the American Medical Association has now issued a statement that you can't get everything you need from your diet and taking a supplement is an important way to prevent disease.

I hope this health information has convinced you that taking a high quality supplement can be the key to a long and healthy life.
By: Kristy Russ

Health Information